I've turned the big 4 0 at the start of this year;
and boy how our lives have changed........
I quit work,
We moved countries,
Bought a 10acre property,
Older boys started a new school
I've taken over daddy daycare duties of our youngest son,
My wife started a full time role with her old company, remotely from home;
So you could say we've gone through a bit these last few months!
I read this book 'The Pathless Path' By Paul Miller

at the end of last year which really made me question my 'default' path and my relationship to work,
It was a massive eye opener in so many ways,
And in all honesty,
It was the final piece of motivation I needed to make such a ballsy move and quit it all for a life with so many unknowns.
Here are my biggest takeaways from this book and my view on life, work and the typical paths we all tend to follow;
- The concept of ‘History Illusion’ - Which is our inability to see how much the future is gonna change
- Becoming a ‘City’,
There’s a shitload of chaos within a city, businesses and people come and go, natural and man made events are an ever present threat, but despite all this chaos and disorder, the city moves on and keeps on growing…
We need to be a city!
- Reverse engineer your questions and decisions in life! Ask yourself, what’s the worst that could happen if you say yes or make this change/decision? Now reverse engineer each step back from this worst case to where you currently are now, is there anything you can do to make sure these worst case scenarios are minimised or never happen?
- We need to find a path that nurtures our creative impulses
- It’s easy to get caught up in building businesses and accumulating status and material things, but what its all about, is building a life
- A big driver and how we view success is the thought of other people thinking we are successful
- When we feel we lack in something, we tend to obsess over it
- Money is a shortcut we use to prove our own worth
- Critical thinking without hope is cynicism, but hope without critical thinking is naivety
- No amount of money in our bank accounts will be enough to elevate our deepest fears. So what is enough to you?
- You cannot find yourself, until you get lost
- Faith is admitting you don’t have all the answers to what comes next
- What’s your misery tax? What are you willing to put up with until enough is enough and you finally make a decision?
- How am I complicit in creating the environment I don’t want?
The more young adults I talk to, the more I realise we are all in the same boat and after the same things (especially young parents)......
- How can we make more $$
- How can we be healthier
- How can we spend more time with family/friends
*3 areas that will be a major focus now in these future newsletters
Our choices, behaviors and decisions dictate whether we attain these things in the way we desire or not;
For me, my Misery Tax was too great to not make some changes and head on this Pathless Path
And I ask you;
Whats your Misery Tax?
and boy how our lives have changed........
I quit work,
We moved countries,
Bought a 10acre property,
Older boys started a new school
I've taken over daddy daycare duties of our youngest son,
My wife started a full time role with her old company, remotely from home;
So you could say we've gone through a bit these last few months!
I read this book 'The Pathless Path' By Paul Miller

at the end of last year which really made me question my 'default' path and my relationship to work,
It was a massive eye opener in so many ways,
And in all honesty,
It was the final piece of motivation I needed to make such a ballsy move and quit it all for a life with so many unknowns.
Here are my biggest takeaways from this book and my view on life, work and the typical paths we all tend to follow;
- The concept of ‘History Illusion’ - Which is our inability to see how much the future is gonna change
- Becoming a ‘City’,
There’s a shitload of chaos within a city, businesses and people come and go, natural and man made events are an ever present threat, but despite all this chaos and disorder, the city moves on and keeps on growing…
We need to be a city!
- Reverse engineer your questions and decisions in life! Ask yourself, what’s the worst that could happen if you say yes or make this change/decision? Now reverse engineer each step back from this worst case to where you currently are now, is there anything you can do to make sure these worst case scenarios are minimised or never happen?
- We need to find a path that nurtures our creative impulses
- It’s easy to get caught up in building businesses and accumulating status and material things, but what its all about, is building a life
- A big driver and how we view success is the thought of other people thinking we are successful
- When we feel we lack in something, we tend to obsess over it
- Money is a shortcut we use to prove our own worth
- Critical thinking without hope is cynicism, but hope without critical thinking is naivety
- No amount of money in our bank accounts will be enough to elevate our deepest fears. So what is enough to you?
- You cannot find yourself, until you get lost
- Faith is admitting you don’t have all the answers to what comes next
- What’s your misery tax? What are you willing to put up with until enough is enough and you finally make a decision?
- How am I complicit in creating the environment I don’t want?
The more young adults I talk to, the more I realise we are all in the same boat and after the same things (especially young parents)......
- How can we make more $$
- How can we be healthier
- How can we spend more time with family/friends
*3 areas that will be a major focus now in these future newsletters
Our choices, behaviors and decisions dictate whether we attain these things in the way we desire or not;
For me, my Misery Tax was too great to not make some changes and head on this Pathless Path
And I ask you;
Whats your Misery Tax?
Until next time